Saturday May 18 2024

Hour Title Author length
Midnight The Half Brothers Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 37:38
1 AM The Clue Of The Silver Spoons Robert Barr 43:43
2 AM A Double-Dyed Deceiver O. Henry 24:07
3 AM Danger Signals Ch 3, 4, 5 John A. Hill & Jaspar Ewing Brady 30:09
4 AM The Nuremberg Stove Louise de la Ramee 54:29
5 AM The Griffin and the Minor Canon Frank R. Stockton 30:55
6 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 14 Hamlin Garland 34:17
7 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 15-16 Hamlin Garland 55:56
8 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 17 Hamlin Garland 29:21
9 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 18 Hamlin Garland 34:50
10 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 19-20 Hamlin Garland 52:41
11 AM Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving 63:09
Noon 09 – The Adventures Of Sherlaw Kombs Robert Barr 23:03
1 PM Wildfire – ch 9 Zane Grey 40:39
2 PM Wildfire – ch 10 Zane Grey 43:00
3 PM Wildfire – ch 11 Zane Grey 39:11
4 PM Wildfire – ch 12 Zane Grey 43:33
5 PM Wildfire – ch 13 Zane Grey 53:54
6 PM The Nose Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol 56:32
7 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 11-14 Leo Tolstoy 35:26
8 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 15-18 Leo Tolstoy 31:02
9 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 19-22 Leo Tolstoy 34:38
10 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 23-25 Leo Tolstoy 30:21
11 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 26-29 Leo Tolstoy 31:58