Friday May 17 2024

Hour Title Author length
Midnight How to Make the Best of Life Samuel Butler 31:35
1 AM The Cone H. G. Wells 33:30
2 AM Brown of Calaveras Bret Harte 23:48
3 AM Pilgrims to the Pecos Robert E. Howard 46:02
4 AM Flush of Gold Jack London 33:30
5 AM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 26-29 Leo Tolstoy 31:58
6 AM Wildfire – ch 13 Zane Grey 53:54
7 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 19-20 Hamlin Garland 52:41
8 AM Lewis And Clark – ch 20 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 48:52
9 AM Story 5 Enter A Dragoon Thomas Hardy 47:03
10 AM Little Claus and Big Claus Hans Christian Andersen 24:13
11 AM The Griffin and the Minor Canon Frank R. Stockton 44:51
Noon The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America Christopher Columbus 20:12
1 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 26-29 Leo Tolstoy 31:58
2 PM Wildfire – ch 13 Zane Grey 53:54
3 PM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 19-20 Hamlin Garland 52:41
4 PM Lewis And Clark – ch 20 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 48:52
5 PM Washy Makes His Presence Felt P. G. Wodehouse 48:39
6 PM Federalist No. 40 by James Madison Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison 21:37
7 PM Prudence Ralph Waldo Emerson 31:41
8 PM Wildfire – ch 13 Zane Grey 53:54
9 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 26-29 Leo Tolstoy 31:58
10 PM Lewis And Clark – ch 20 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 48:52
11 PM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 19-20 Hamlin Garland 52:41