Wednesday May 15 2024

Hour Title Author length
Midnight White Fur And His Beaver Clan James W. Schultz 30:33
1 AM Westminster Abbey Washington Irving 31:23
2 AM Some Voices from the Kitchen Garden Mrs. Alfred Gatty 20:07
3 AM A List to Starboard Francis Hopkinson Smith 35:36
4 AM The Rondoli Sisters Guy de Maupassant 46:54
5 AM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 19-22 Leo Tolstoy 34:38
6 AM Wildfire – ch 11 Zane Grey 39:11
7 AM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 17 Hamlin Garland 29:21
8 AM Lewis And Clark – ch 15-17 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 31:36
9 AM Stories: The Namesake Willa Sibert Cather 30:27
10 AM The Hard-Boiled Egg Ellis Parker Butler 26:11
11 AM Creatures of the Light Sophie Wenzel Ellis 59:22
Noon The Little Master Of The Sky Manuel Komroff (18901974) 27:50
1 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 19-22 Leo Tolstoy 34:38
2 PM Wildfire – ch 11 Zane Grey 39:11
3 PM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 17 Hamlin Garland 29:21
4 PM Lewis And Clark – ch 15-17 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 31:36
5 PM The Liberation Of Wyoming Ed Robert Barr 46:01
6 PM The Lost Poacher Jack London 22:09
7 PM Postscript Walter Pater 44:05
8 PM Wildfire – ch 11 Zane Grey 39:11
9 PM Anna Karenina – pt 7 ch 19-22 Leo Tolstoy 34:38
10 PM Lewis And Clark – ch 15-17 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 31:36
11 PM A Son of the Middle Border – ch 17 Hamlin Garland 29:21