Tuesday April 16 2024

Hour Title Author length
Midnight Luella Miller Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman 37:40
1 AM The Red-Headed League Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 59:35
2 AM The Hobo and the Fairy Jack London 29:43
3 AM The Spectre Bridegroom Washington Irving 39:47
4 AM The Hotel Experience Of Mr Pink Fluker (1886) by Richard Malcolm Johnston Richard Malcolm Johnston 30:07
5 AM Anna Karenina – pt 5 ch 5-8 Leo Tolstoy 30:35
6 AM The Long Long Trail – ch 39-44 (end) Max Brand 60:25
7 AM Plymouth Settlement – bk 2 ch 4 William Bradford 42:34
8 AM Tarzan – ch 16-17 Edgar Rice Burroughs 42:12
9 AM How to Make the Best of Life Samuel Butler 31:35
10 AM Trinity Atomic Test Site National Atomic Museum 24:31
11 AM The Thief of Time Captain S. P. Meek 45:56
Noon Federalist No. 40 by James Madison Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison 21:37
1 PM Anna Karenina – pt 5 ch 5-8 Leo Tolstoy 30:35
2 PM The Long Long Trail – ch 39-44 (end) Max Brand 60:25
3 PM Plymouth Settlement – bk 2 ch 4 William Bradford 42:34
4 PM Tarzan – ch 16-17 Edgar Rice Burroughs 42:12
5 PM Intellect Ralph Waldo Emerson 30:42
6 PM Helping the Poor T. S. Arthur 26:02
7 PM The Rondoli Sisters Guy de Maupassant 46:54
8 PM The Long Long Trail – ch 39-44 (end) Max Brand 60:25
9 PM Anna Karenina – pt 5 ch 5-8 Leo Tolstoy 30:35
10 PM Tarzan – ch 16-17 Edgar Rice Burroughs 42:12
11 PM Plymouth Settlement – bk 2 ch 4 William Bradford 42:34