Sunday December 3 2023

Hour Title Author length
Midnight Friendship Ralph Waldo Emerson 42:44
1 AM Sharon’s Choice Owen Wister 46:29
2 AM The Martyr Elizabeth Bibesco 24:15
3 AM The Mountains: Among The Acorn Eaters Of San Diego County Charles Francis Saunders 40:15
4 AM Letters On Leave Rudyard Kipling 40:17
5 AM The Griffin and the Minor Canon Frank R. Stockton 44:51
6 AM Far From the Madding Crowd – ch 12-15 Thomas Hardy 47:51
7 AM Far From the Madding Crowd – ch 16-19 Thomas Hardy 33:31
8 AM Far From the Madding Crowd – ch 20-22 Thomas Hardy 48:50
9 AM Far From the Madding Crowd – ch 23-25 Thomas Hardy 34:15
10 AM Far From the Madding Crowd – ch 26-28 Thomas Hardy 37:54
11 AM The Lion’s Share Arnold Bennett 30:32
Noon 11 28 20 JEFFREY JACKSON 28:46
1 PM The Snow Image Nathaniel Hawthorne 41:15
2 PM Pictures From Italy – ch 9 Charles Dickens 34:59
3 PM Pictures From Italy – ch 10 pt 1 Charles Dickens 34:25
4 PM Pictures From Italy – ch 10 pt 2 Charles Dickens 39:11
5 PM Pictures From Italy – ch 10 pt 3 Charles Dickens 44:23
6 PM Pictures From Italy – ch 11 pt 1 Charles Dickens 40:29
7 PM When Lincoln Licked A Bully Irving Bacheller 35:05
8 PM The Feud Buster Robert E. Howard 36:53
9 PM The Lost Duchess Julian Hawthorne (ed.) 44:38
10 PM That Dead Men Rise Up Never Jack London 24:40
11 PM Mountain-Peaks and Camp-Fires Enos A. Mills 30:16