Daily Archives: September 5, 2023

Wednesday September 6 2023

Hour Title Author length
Midnight Rab and His Friends Various 31:43
1 AM From the Oceans Depths Sewell Peaslee Wright (1897-1970) 56:34
2 AM The Demon Pope Richard Garnett 22:11
3 AM Pilgrims to the Pecos Robert E. Howard 46:02
4 AM A Ride With A Mad Horse In A Freight-Car W.H.H. Murray 36:47
5 AM Nicholas Nickleby – ch 6 Charles Dickens 59:54
6 AM The Bells of San Juan – ch 13-14 Jackson Gregory 37:42
7 AM Lincoln volume 6 – ch 16-17 John G. Nicolay and John Hay 45:24
8 AM Two Years Before the Mast – ch 8-9 Richard Henry Dana Jr. 34:12
9 AM The Sword of Welleran Lord Dunsany 42:31
10 AM The Greatest Good of the Greatest Number Gertrude Atherton 24:52
11 AM Conquerin’ Hero of the Humboldts Robert E. Howard 44:09
Noon Daniel O’Rourke’s Wonderful Voyage to the Moon Thomas Crofton Croker 21:09
1 PM Nicholas Nickleby – ch 6 Charles Dickens 59:54
2 PM The Bells of San Juan – ch 13-14 Jackson Gregory 37:42
3 PM Lincoln volume 6 – ch 16-17 John G. Nicolay and John Hay 45:24
4 PM Two Years Before the Mast – ch 8-9 Richard Henry Dana Jr. 34:12
5 PM Prudence Ralph Waldo Emerson 31:41
6 PM Dream Life and Real Life; A Little African Story Olive Schreiner 24:07
7 PM On Scientific Method in Philosophy Bertrand Russell 58:49
8 PM The Bells of San Juan – ch 13-14 Jackson Gregory 37:42
9 PM Nicholas Nickleby – ch 6 Charles Dickens 59:54
10 PM Two Years Before the Mast – ch 8-9 Richard Henry Dana Jr. 34:12
11 PM Lincoln volume 6 – ch 16-17 John G. Nicolay and John Hay 45:24